Golden Eagle of Arkansas is a locally owned and operated, licensed alcohol and beverage wholesaler. Golden Eagle strives to be the best direct store delivery partner to its suppliers. Along with our sister companies Eagle Distributing of Texarkana and Arkansas Wine and Spirits Wholesale LLC, Golden Eagle has a very concentrated product portfolio which gives our supplier’s brands the attention necessary to excel in the market. Additionally, we are able to provide profitable, branded products to our valuable retail customers, adding to their business' success.

Golden Eagle History Timeline

  • 1948 Vogel Frozen Foods formed
  • 1976 Vogel Frozen Foods sold
  • 1986 Partnered in Eagle Distributing of Texarkana becoming a proud distributor partner with Anheuser Busch
  • 2002 Golden Eagle of Arkansas was acquired the largest Anheuser Busch wholesaler in the State of Arkansas. We proudly sell all of the available products in the Anheuser Busch portfolio.
  • 2006 Partnership with Monster Energy Company began. It was the start of a 10 county non-alcoholic beverage division for Golden Eagle. Eagle also formed a similar partnership at the same time.
  • 2016 Began distributing for Lost 40 Brewery. Helped the talented ownership of Lost 40 become the State’s largest brewer something we are very proud to be a part.
  • 2016 Golden Eagle earned Anheuser Busch distinguished Ambassador of Excellence like its sister company Eagle Distributing earned a year earlier.
  • 2021 Gained statewide Anheuser Busch wine & spirits portfolio.

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